Building Mortimer, day 4

Sunday - bloody sunday - wasn't that a title by U2? I couldn't sleep until way too late so my breakfast was more like early lunch; and then I hit the work shed trying to finish a closet in the hallway. I managed it - 80%-ish and then I spent a good couple of hours in the company of the misses watching episodes 1-2 of the new season 4 of Slow Horses; check it out!

Otherwise you could look up what happened yesterday, on day 2, tomorrow!? or start all over at Vol 4 reboot, day 1.

Day 4

It's late so apart from a couple of fixes I'll just install TailwindCSS and make a few changes to the landing page, I think.


Adam Wathan and his merry (wo)men keep up the good work on this framework and they help me take a lot of load off, building websites - plain and simple. "But they all get to look the same" I hear you! But in my case that's just exactly what I want - bonus 😄

Stuck to the script – and got this 😲

Turns out you have to rails assets:clean

I also did

  1. rails assets:precompile but that added all my assets into public/assets/* and so I had to
  2. rm public/assets/.manifest.json and
  3. stop and start dev

Admittedly Day 4 was a very very 'small' day production-wise 😊

Tagging it 0.3.1_tailwind

Walther H Diechmann

Walther H Diechmann

Got on the train just about when the IBM PC 5150 got introduced and never really got of again - switched to Apple Mac in about 2006 though, and never looked back. It's been such a ride!
Silkeborg, Denmark